Where can I get further help?

On this page

Below is information that will take you to another authority’s website or to education resources to help you.

I want to know about: Higher Education Vocational Education and Training
Where to find AQF courses to enrol in: Visit the Course Seeker website Visit the MySkills website
Whether the provider I want to enrol with is approved to provide AQF Courses: Visit the TEQSA National Register website. Visit training.gov.au and search for courses or providers
Certificates or student records The AQF does not keep student records. You will need to contact the higher education provider you completed your study with. The AQF does not keep student records. You will need to contact the Registered Training Organisation you completed your study with.
How I can get a copy of my student records if the provider has closed In some circumstances, TEQSA may be able to assist with access to student records for closed providers Contact ASQA. Except if the provider was registered in Victoria or Western Australia, then contact:
I am a student with a complaint about my provider Visit the TEQSA complaints website to learn about the higher education complaints process Visit the ASQA complaints website to learn about the VET complaints process, Except if the provider was registered in Victoria or Western Australia, then contact:
Questions about the Unique Student Identifier (USI) or USI transcripts. Visit the USI website and contact the USI team if you have further queries.
Studying in Australia For visa queries, please visit the Department of Home Affairs Visas/study website.
Need your overseas qualifications assessed for recognition purposes in Australia Visit the International Education website for Qualifications Recognition information.
Need your overseas qualifications translated into English The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) enables you to search to find a suitable translator at NAATI Please note that NAATI is not a translating service.

Jobs and qualifications 

The Labour Market Insights website provides information about which qualifications are required for specific jobs.

Other websites that may be useful are the Workforce Australia website and the MyFuture website.

Employment Awards, Rates of Pay 

For advice about employment awards and agreements, pay or conditions, please see the Fairwork Ombudsman.

Licensing, registration or accreditation for specific occupations and industries 

If you need advice about licensing, registration, membership or accreditation for specific industries or occupations, please contact:

  • your profession’s national/state/territory registration authority
  • professional accreditation/membership body (please note there may be more than one)
  • state/territory governments for trade licensing